
EnVISION Greatness

Example of Vision Board, including words like "Make a difference" and "Endless Possibilities" and images of Oprah Winfrey, Person standing on mountain top, books, etc.
Vision Board (This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND)

If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. 

— Steve Jobs, American Inventor and Businessman

Once you clearly know who you are – your origin and history, your worthiness, your values and convictions, and your strengths and weakness – you can then envision your greatest self and what great deeds you can accomplish. (See Start Your Journey if you are not clear on who you are.) 

Take the example of philanthropist, actress, and global media leader Oprah Winfrey. She has proven she is completely clear on who she is, understanding and being able to articulate:

  • Her Story:  Born into poverty in the Jim Crow south to a single mother, she grew up loving books and helping others. At the age of 17 while picking up her prize for winning the Miss Fire Prevention contest sponsored by a local radio station – a watch and digital radio clock – the DJ asked if she wanted to hear her voice on tape. After hearing her speak three sentences, she was offered her first job in broadcasting. The rest is history.
  • Her Worthiness: Not fitting the mainstream society’s standards of physical appearance or way of being, Winfrey rejected those views and accepted herself unconditionally – both strengths and weaknesses. She understands she does not need to earn others’ approval or fit others’ expectations in order to be worthy.
  • Her Values and Convictions: Education, Empowerment of children / women/ girls, Gender and Racial Equality, Spirituality
  • Her Strengths and Weaknesses: Communication, Empathy, Generosity, People Pleasing, Perfectionism, Hard Work, Leadership

From there, she created several visions. For example, one vision Oprah Winfrey created was of a school for girls in South Africa that provides access to education and that develops future leaders. That school is called Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (OWLAG) . In South Africa where only 20% of all students attend college, 90% percentage of the graduates of OWLAG go on to attend top universities including Spelman, Oxford and Stanford medical School. 

So, once clear on who you are, create a vision of you and the work aligned with who you are.

On this page, you will find information to help you create your vision of yourself and your work. Specifically, these posts will help you:

  • Create your vision of where you want to go — a vision that calls to you deeply and pulls you.
  • Align who you are with your purpose .  

Ready? Create your vision of the great person you are going to become here:

  • Blog post 1

(c) Dave Williams, January 2023